Community Schools-related Grants
Community Schools Grants
Elementary Implementation Grant (Year 3 of 3): $150,000
High School Implementation Grant (Year 1 of 3): $150,000
Grants to Fund After-School Programs
ESSER III OST (Out of School Time) Round 1: $59,999
ESSER III OST (Out of School Time) Round 2: $59,999
CACFP Snack and Supper Program: Reimbursement based on meals served
Grants to Fund Career and Vocational Programs
LANL Education Enrichment Grant (Year 1 of 2): $20,000
Grants to Fund Student Engagement with Community History and Culture
Library of Congress Teaching Primary Sources Grant SY 21/22: $84,968
Library of Congress Teaching Primary Sources Grant SY 22/23: $52,300
USDA Farm-to-School Grant: $50,000
Grants to Fund Peer-to-Peer Mentoring
Near-Peer Tutoring/Mentoring Grant: $100,000